Tag Archives: Identity

Who Am I?


Do I know who I am, Who am I?
What am I in my hands, but who am I?
I am curious, What is my identity?
I wonder, whether I even have any!

You see, many a times asked who are you?
What is response, Name that tags you.
But really! Is this me, is this you, is this we all?
I don’t think its my identity, its mere word after all.

I remember words, its action that define you,
So simple, so elegant, above all so true,
But then I am hit again, that won’t do,
It may define, but hey does it identify you?

I wonder how easy it is for us to give in,
Voids like identity we don’t even bother with,
We take a totally absurd identifier for the job,
Which is as hollow as are our great thoughts!

Identify yourself before time runs out,
The true act to make yourself proud,
Claim what you are, what is rightfully yours,
And legend would be tale of that true hero.