Tag Archives: Peace

What Humanity Really Is?


How fast things change, we forget how they were,
Wounds word give are always warm, with no healer,
How convenient it is for us to perceive,
While it is always too hard to really live,
How comforting it is to sleep under open sky,
Yet waking up from dreamland, makes mind fry,
How cool it is, when you are being praised,
Yet we shout upon own ways we are blamed,
How easy it is for us to thank,
How tough it is, when comes to help,
How far we go in the name of freedom,
How little we focus on its real notion,
How paced we move when we set a destination,
Never we free those failed and caught in depression,
How great and simple word sorry is,
So often we use it to say,
It doesn’t matter who made mistake,
Always the injured is to pay,
On every disaster, we shout and preach about humanity,
Do we all even remember it, in hours of pure sanity.

* Goal of this poem is to raise a question, answers may come in future ones.
** Photo Courtesy : http://www.humanity.org/

The Lone Walker

For long, i dreamed, i did, i dreamed,
On a seemingly straight path, i walked,
Eventually i realize, life isn’t about dreams,
The path too wasn’t straight, so it seems,
Left i am all alone, to continue my walk,
Right when i feel, i should just talk,
But who is there to listen, when i had one, i didn’t say a word,
Now their ears belongs elsewhere, and me speaking is totally absurd,
There is a long walk ahead to be finished by me,
Time seems to be stopped, destiny laughing at me,
I asked god to leave me with streangth and hope to keep walking,
See the irony, my listener wants only this hope in place of talking,
Without noticing, how will i walk forward without the hope,
I can afford any other damage, except this only loss,
Its my precious, after giving all my goodself,
Is it right to take this too, ask your inner self,
In total silence and moments of peace,
You will hear, let it be, let it be,
I thought myself, braver, stronger, quicker, smarter,
Only to end up seeing myself as a lone traveller,
There is only one thing i never want to see,
Another lone traveller just like me, another me,
If ever such a traveller i would see,
Turn traveller’s life beyond one can imagine.
Now i have had enough of my talk,
There is a long path for me to walk.